Wednesday, May 18, 2011

LabVNC Rocks!

I've a confession:  I've always hated the LabVNC button.  Why?  Well, in a small part because it breaks the true MSP model but mostly because it just sucked.  Ok, maybe 'sucked' is too strong an adjective, perhaps it was somewhere between 'Eh' and 'sucked' but nonetheless, the operative word here is was.

That's because with 2011, the improved LabVNC is a new animal.  It is fast, Fast, FAST!!  If you're like me, spoiled by the response rate given my Citrix, LogMeIn, etc.. you're used to a certain speed and anything less is unimpressive.  Well now LabVNC provides the kind of response your (and my) impatient butt is used to.  Add to that the ability to choose which session to control - from the console to a specific user's session (yes, this works on terminal servers) and you've a fantastic solution to an age old problem built right into your LabTech console.

When in Seattle, I asked who amongst the upgraders noticed a marked improvement in LabVNC and was met with an near raucous approval.  So if you haven't tried it yet, go ahead and run some tests and see for yourself.  And if you have, feel free to share your experience in the comments section.  Happy LabTech'ing!


  1. LabVNC Easter Egg: Are you sick of the prompt you get just after clicking the LabVNC button? Want to make it go away? Dashboard -> Config -> Configurations -> Properties. Add a 'CCVNCASK' property and set it to 'False' (no quotes) ;)

  2. Thanks for the tip Rob. Applying the trick to get rid of the prompt now. :D
